Imagines Goku devote himself: "If I don't, who will?
Goku: Wait a moment... I'm definitively not gonna do "that"
Hope you'll have a nice playtime with Veronica then... but please be nice and don't make a mess in the lab, okay?
Don' worry, it won't hurt... that much!
I'm working on some robot helpers too. I hope they'll be more obedient.
Hopefully working now...
Spoiler warning:
Don' worry, it won't hurt... that much!
Kinda wondering if the new HO's will now only be closed at 5000... maybe even at 9001
Don' worry, it won't hurt... that much!
Cool robots. I can't get animated gifs to work at all.
Maybe. I wonder why he merged them?
Someone make a new Hangout and I will fix it up
Alright.KK, Do you want to do it?
Fack. It had been way too long since I last saw that. Needed a fix.
Um..where's KK?