Quote Originally Posted by kohlrak
You forget, when you're talkin' FPS and stuffs, ick... A second is like forever, especially if you're like me with ADHD. lol
Yeah, but it makes a difference, computing 1000 of 10 billion operations a second. If you raise the times you execute the loop high enough, it will take more than a second. But it's interesting to see how high it goes.

Quote Originally Posted by kohlrak
Another good one, how much does calling a function slow down a computer verses a macros? And how much more space does it take on the compy? And! Another one, how much more does it take to call from a DLL?
Macros are simply text replaced with other text in the code, during compile time. So it doesn't slow anything at all, only what's executed within. With functions, the return address and values go on the stack, so your only problem would be that filling, and the program crashing. Don't' worry, it's pretty large, for this purpose at least, but going into infinite recursion crashes it, recursion itself eats up pretty much of the stack, as well. With the stack being the part of the memory that's accessed with the greatest speed, that's not quite good.
DLLs are Dynamically Linked Libraries, meaning they get linked run-time, more precisely on start. I don't think that's much slower (obviously you'll get smaller executable sizes than including the libraries in the EXE itself), but version incompatibilities could be a problem sometimes.

Quote Originally Posted by kohlrak
As for pointies... I have a good challenge for you if you ever get bored PKT. Write a source code that when compilled and run, it'll copy itself from the ram and write it to a file and save it as ".ram". Chances are it'll crash alot... but i have a funny feeling we might get something intresting from it... Who knows what we'd learn if it succeeded?
I'm not sure if Windows would let me do that, kinda like it wouldn't let me access the video memory directly, still, worth a try. Anyway, the code is obviously there in the EXE file in some form. I'm not sure if it's self-extracting, or uncompressed.
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Links are hidden from guests. Please register to be able to view these links. Arrgh, doesn't work. Tried copying memory from an array containing a sample string, and it wouldn't let me go much further than the end of the array. Gotta learn the Windows API sometime.

Quote Originally Posted by kohlrak
EDIT2: Hm... I wonder how you can really output anything to the screen if C++ has no functions of it's own...
C was designed for portability. Since not all computers even have a screen, you don't get standard methods for output. The good thing is you could even code for whatever weird sort of terminal you'd like.

Quote Originally Posted by kohlrak
EDIT3: Holy crap... I managed to open up an exe file in this thing and... o.o Dude, it looks like somthing i once saw in visual C++ 6.0 when debugging a file one time...
Yep, Assembler is nice. Even nicer if you understand what things do.
BTW, here's some code a guy I know wrote. He's pretty into low-level coding, so yeah. Beware.