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Thread: State of Emuparadise.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
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    Default State of Emuparadise.

    Dear comrades, I write to you all here, from a ban evading account. Most of you will know me as Saril, and the truth of the matter is, I am a n00b. I dont have much time at these boards, and perhaps that is a good thing.

    You see many of you have probably heard of the whole Mushindo / Skinner spat.

    But the fact of the matter if you dont know the whole story. I cant say my side isn't bias or perfect, but I'm going to try and portray as much a balanced argument as posible.

    You see there is this place in EmuParadise, and it is called Retro Paradise, now many of you have heard myths and rumors and such and so forth about this place.

    Most of them are true.

    RetroParadise is a quaint and exclusive club where members kick around the idea of letting you and in and take apart your character with snide comments before letting you in. Once you're in, your in. Here many things are discussed that "are better discussed here than infront of the slobbering masses."

    I guess you can let that slide, I mean the mods and "acceptable" users need a place to let of steam.

    But anyway, so here they are all posting photos of themselves because they all friends and cool and what not. And mushindo goes forth to post a photo of herself.

    Now suffice to say this is a photo of a quite beautiful young lady.

    Or is it? More on that later.

    Various RP users then go forth to say, Oh noes that cant be her (this was quit e a well equiped and well bodied young lady we're tlaking about here, and to be honest...when have you seen a beautiful and inteligent woman on the internet? Cant be real the masses cried!

    And so the inveitable witty and cynical reponse from Mushindo was awaited. It never came, what came was a rabbid and brutish reply that left many users wondering. Ineed the frustrated 15 year old man persona resurged.

    And then not maby a few days later ( the exact measurment of time I cannot remember ) This post comes from our beloved Mushindo that her entire family had been K-lined when some drunk human being crashed into the front living room.

    Now this chain of events and her inevitable dispearance got the questions rolling.

    Now to my involvement.

    Skinner and myself ( we are now both banned ) talk quite alot over MSN. Skinner voiced his doubts ( forgive me Skinner for betraying your confidence ) and I too began to have them.

    Now between one day and another I sit down and search for a little information on my own. I talk to various people, of the people I will name are Mason and Agent Smith. I will admit I used certain tactics such as " oh noes look at me im fiddling with my IP" and other petty but functional ways of looking for information.

    After turning up nothing I promptly forget the whole thing.

    I then turn to my much loved friend and roommate Roberto AKA Darius. Now just to clarify Robert is not some 'elite hacker' nor are his friends. They are just people who like to use Google and know how to search for things, and many of them have Phycologist degrees. So they sit down and go through her posts, and all the PM's that are attained.

    Again I commited no crime or bad faith. I only helped two people meet eachother.

    So they sit down and determine that through the wonders of modern phyciatry techniques that mushindo is the type of your boy who creates a story, writes it down and then procedes to utilize said story.

    Things like inconsistancies in mentionings of PMS, and how the behaviour and emotive patters of Mushindo are that of a man, more so the RP posts than General Forum posts.

    These are all wonderful and informing and perfect. It is later decided that Mushindo is indeed a man. And Skinner moves forward to declare war upon our deer Mushindo.

    And the fanboys unite, they come forward and defend her, selflessly throwing themsleves upon Skinner's skilled flames.

    All the while I sit back and watch the war that suposedly I am responsible for.

    Subsequent comversations with Mushindo lead me to belive that maby they were wrong. But the way Mushindo has everyone wound around her finger...what am I to think?

    And so the war continues and Skinner eventually gives up and apologises.

    All the while Mushindo preiodicly whips out the "I have nothing to prove so I will not post the news paper article of the terrible tradgedy." And that is Mushindo's perogative no?

    So I continue on to post without a worry, little did I know the tides were changing aginst me. All my friends go to sleep and than even Mushindo logs off. Everyone settles down for a nice relaxing sleep.

    Suddenly I'm present with the "Banned" Page.

    All moderators are suddely away.

    All normal users dont answer, noone wants to talk, everyone is suddenly busy.

    I swallow timidly.

    This does not look good.

    The anger builds. Why me?

    I give in and send a mad flurry of messages to Mason and we engauge in what I would like to refer to as 'social intercourse' over MSN:

    I have censored such offensive words such a F- S- and C- if they have escaped my abilities I am sorry.

    Mason says:
    You've been banned.
    Saril says:
    Mason says:
    For hacking into Mushindo's account.
    Saril says:
    I never did such a thing to insinuate that is a lie and untru
    Mason says:
    I have various accounts saying you did.
    Saril says:
    ANy P R O O F?
    Mason says:
    Saril says:
    Apart from word of mouth of a few mushindo fan boys
    Saril says:
    a REAL IP address?
    Mason says:
    No, I don't have any hard evidence.
    Mason says:
    And you know why that is.
    Saril says:
    Nope, but i;d like to hear it
    Saril says:
    Since your whiping out bans like a facist
    Mason says:
    Mason says:
    By your own admission you hacked into her account.
    Saril says:
    Just words
    Saril says:
    If there is no proof then there is no proof
    Mason says:
    Yes, I'm fairly sure you were lying about it to be truthful.
    Mason says:
    But you said you did, so that's what I'll have to go with.
    Saril says:
    Ha, so ur in bed with mushindo? I shouldve seen this bulls* heading my way
    Mason says:
    Mushindo is a mod. The administration protects it's own.
    Saril says:
    Mushindo is a liar for all I care
    Mason says:
    That doesn't really matter at all.
    Saril says:
    Seems like it matters to you
    Mason says:
    How so?
    Saril says:
    Your whipping out basless bans
    Mason says:
    They aren't baseless.
    Saril says:
    Says you?
    Mason says:
    Says me.
    Saril says:
    Mason says:
    Fair enough.
    Saril says:
    Pointless revenge in my eyes
    Mason says:
    It's not revenge. It's called "that behavior isn't suitable for our boards"
    Mason says:
    nor anyone elses boards for that matte.r
    Saril says:
    I never did anything more than facilitate a union between two people in order to collect data
    Saril says:
    At no point was mushindo's account tampered with or her IP toyed with
    Saril says:
    Persay I am faultless
    Mason says:
    Regardless, you're still banned.
    Saril says:
    Mason says:
    2 week minimum.
    Saril says:
    Your such a stupid f*, I was mistaken to place trust in you, and your two faced also, considering you didnt push back Skinner during his crusade
    Mason says:
    I didn't know he was attempting to hack into people's accounts.
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    Is there any evidence more than words to push your buttons?
    Mason says:
    No. Just your words.
    Mason says:
    And the words of others.
    Saril says:
    Yeah like Agent Smith, so we lie to a few people to stir up info, is this a tradgedy?
    Mason says:
    No, but you shouldn't be surprised of the consequences.
    Saril says:
    I'm annoyed that you'd pull some back handed move
    Saril says:
    Its BS
    Mason says:
    It should've been fairly obvious to you what would happen.
    Saril says:
    More so comming from someone suposedly level headed like your self
    Saril says:
    Did skinner get banned?
    Saril says:
    Mason says:
    You think we don't care if people claim their hacking into other people's accounts?
    Mason says:
    Skinner did get banned.
    Mason says:
    For just as long as you.
    Mason says:
    Saril says:
    This was a unilateral move?
    Mason says:
    No, as with most things of this nature I consult others before making decisions.
    Saril says:
    So this is mushindo pay back?
    Mason says:
    It wasn't her idea.
    Saril says:
    Doubt she objected
    Mason says:
    Can you blame her?
    Saril says:
    And why should she, if she has everyone eating out of the palm of her hand
    Saril says:
    Yes, since she has a better understand of the situation
    Saril says:
    More than some ignoramous like yourself
    Mason says:
    Whatever. Unless you want to have a civil conversation we're done here.
    Saril says:
    I am being civil
    Saril says:
    Your the one who is being a nazi
    Saril says:
    There should atleast be some fairness in the process, noone was affected
    Mason says:
    It is fair. There's no concrete evidence, so it's not permanent.
    Saril says:
    I will be back, and I swear to god I will have retribution
    Mason says:
    Right then.
    Saril says:
    And you you two faced son of a bitch, you are first
    Mason says:
    How exactly am I twofaced? I'm curious.
    Saril says:
    You quietly support skinner in such PM's stating that he's fine unless no direct attacks
    Saril says:
    And then using no bases at all ban me
    Saril says:
    And ban Skinner
    Saril says:
    * no direct attacks continue
    Saril says:
    Which none did
    Mason says:
    No I didn't. I flat out told him to stop his assault on mushindo's reputation.
    Saril says:
    Indeed the PM's that were interchanged were mild
    Saril says:
    I read the bloody PM, and in either case of interpretation he DID
    Saril says:
    He went as far as to apologise
    Mason says:
    That doesn't excuse his behavior.
    Saril says:
    We are now banned from questioning our peers?
    Saril says:
    s* mason, whats next?
    Mason says:
    You can question all you like when you get back.
    Saril says:
    Thats a laught
    Saril says:
    Tell me?
    Mason says:
    Seriously, what would you say otherwise?
    Saril says:
    Can I expect a 4 month ban to follow after I even LOOK funny at maison
    Saril says:
    Mason says:
    This would have happened if it were any other mod.
    Saril says:
    But it happened with YOU
    Saril says:
    YOU used tid bits of false information
    Saril says:
    To then pull a wierd ban
    Saril says:
    In which case I never said or posted anything ON the f*ing forums either
    Mason says:
    It wasn't false information.
    Mason says:
    People's accounts of events are valid.
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    If you read a PM from mushindo
    Saril says:
    EVEN she stipulated
    Saril says:
    That we didnt even determine what state she lived in
    Saril says:
    There was no violation of privacy
    Mason says:
    Does that matter at all? No.
    Saril says:
    A few joked conversations between me and you over IP's and passwords are mere conjecture
    Saril says:
    A non event at most
    Saril says:
    If Agent Smith voiced anything, the fact is he's a mushindo fan boy and is a liar at that
    Saril says:
    And a techno n00b
    Saril says:
    And if mushindo ever posted a AIM chat log, I'll f*ing deny it since I have the undoctored chain of events here
    Mason says:
    You can deny it all you wish. However I have multiple people's words against yours.
    Mason says:
    As of it no one has come to your aid.
    Saril says:
    No s* you bastards
    Mason says:
    Saril says:
    You waited till everyone who could defend me went to sleep
    Mason says:
    They can talk to me when they wake up.
    Saril says:
    Ha, and I wont be online to alert them
    Saril says:
    Your nothing better than mexican police
    Mason says:
    Okay, what're their nicks? I'll talk with them myself.
    Saril says:
    Oh yes I can imagine a real fair and poisining chat between you and them
    Saril says:
    f*, I imagine you'd 'convince' them onsome point
    Mason says:
    Well, if you don't tell me who it is then I'm going to assume that there isn't anyone.
    Saril says:
    Yeah beat me down with your rhetoric
    Mason says:
    I'm just being straight with you.
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    Its the famous political run around
    Saril says:
    I mean
    Saril says:
    f* you lot, its bloody obvious how easy the tides are manipulated by this one man who runs guilt trips with the lot of you
    Saril says:
    And god forbid if someone questions the mods,
    Mason says:
    I'm asking you directly for these people you speak of.
    Mason says:
    Otherwise, you're not producing anyone to question me.
    Saril says:
    And I'm bloody not going to tell you out of fear that you'll poison them OR ban them too
    Mason says:
    which isn't my fault at all.
    Saril says:
    It is damn well the truth
    Saril says:
    And your fault, you sit there, and play damned if does and damned if doesnt
    Mason says:
    No, if that were true I'd just set you on block right now and go about my way.
    Saril says:
    No you cant, because the moment you do that, it would set anyone I show this log to against you
    Saril says:
    By staying on you appear the nice and calm and balanced mod that you portrayed
    Saril says:
    The fact is your more of a fan boy the even Smith
    Saril says:
    And damned if I'm able to do anything about it asides from request my ISP to re integrate me to be able to view EP
    Mason says:
    Well since you're not doing anything to defend yourself that makes things a little hard.
    Saril says:
    How CAN I YOU IDIOT??! Its not like I can put out a SOS
    Saril says:
    I mean, firstly I'm banned
    Saril says:
    Secondly everyone is asleep
    Saril says:
    I mean what do you want from me
    Mason says:
    I just want their names so I can talk with them.
    Saril says:
    Aye and you can be bloody sure you aren't getting any names, lest something terrible happen while IM asleep
    Mason says:
    Fair enough, that's your choice.
    Saril says:
    f* knows you guyz seem good at it
    Mason says:
    Don't be surprised that the ban won't be removed then.
    Saril says:
    Do you think I'm that bloody naive to think that ANYTHING anyone says will make a diffence?
    Saril says:
    God knows youll ban anyone who mentions a whif of support for me or Skinner
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    That or disregard it with whatever logic your using to enforce MY ban
    Saril says:
    Bassless information my ass
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    Why dont you damn well come out and just admit it ,
    Saril says:
    f* anyone over who stands in the way of you lot
    Mason says:
    Saril, I'll just be blunt. If you keep going down the road you're going the ban won't be removed after two weeks.
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    You;ll find some blessed information to extend the bastard
    Mason says:
    I doubt it, other than the way you're speaking to me now.
    Saril says:
    You have it coming god knows
    Mason says:
    I'm being infinitely patient with you.
    Saril says:
    Aye and laughin your ass of probably
    Mason says:
    Saril says:
    Saril says:
    Dont make me laugh, your evidence is a joke
    Saril says:
    Your comments "The administration protect its own" Make that fact blatantly clear

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Probably well like England. Like.
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts



    Again 5 minutes it starts again.

    Mason says:
    What does that have to do with anything?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Its more bull s* you idiot
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I was talking ot a friend of mine who knows ALL about cancers
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Theres no way it was such an open and shut case
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Or that her chance of survival were anything even in the TWO digit area
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    It's justmore drama and MORE BS that you all seem to just cover up
    Mason says:
    You're missing the point entirely.
    Mason says:
    I don't really care if every statement out of her mouth is a lie.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh reallly?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Well s* man, looks like that clarifys alot
    Mason says:
    The ban is about you. Not her. It's about what you did.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I did nothing you bastard
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    What is so difficult to understand?
    Mason says:
    You, and other people, say you hacked into her account.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Who the f* cares ?
    Mason says:
    We do.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows the trolls on F4A do and say worse
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows people have done it before
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Mason says:
    No they haven't.
    Mason says:
    We take charges like that very seriously Saril.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    No you dont
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Your making a special task of this one isolated incident
    Mason says:
    This is an isolated incident.l
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Lol I imagine how much attention I would receive if I accused Mushindo of hacking my account
    Mason says:
    This kind of thing doesn't normally happen.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Again words have been said in IRC
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Which is JUST like MSN
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I've been checking things out, people's accounts have been toyed with
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    And its been reported so they say
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Nothing happened
    Mason says:
    Guess you should watch what you say then, lest it bite you in the ass. Like now.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Guess I should've know your all fascists
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Who like to hang people who mess with the top dogs
    Mason says:
    Say whatever you wish Saril.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I damn well will, hell, I know you'll all finish me off and have a great old laughathon in RP over this
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Since its all you do there, trading snide comments among yourselves
    Mason says:
    Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Um lets see
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Perhaps my plan to come and kill you all?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I mean i'm sure I cold make a nice post about that
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Suree I could, all endearing and such, and we'd all rally behind me and have a sing son
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Yeah that sounds great
    Mason says:
    Come now Saril, you're supposedly a great hacker. Or you know one. Just hack your account into being unbanned.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Who the f* said anthing about anyone being a hacker
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    A ver Mr. Mason
    Mason says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    If we didn't get around to determining Mushindo's IP
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Do you think we're just so awosmes 1337 haxorz????!!111
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Eh? Ever sit down and think about that?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Mason says:
    You're the one that said it, not me.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    No s* idiot, but did we?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I mean, suposedly we're allowed to say what we want
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    OUT of the forums
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    OUT of the way of the public eye,
    Mason says:
    Not if it relates back to the forum.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Noone acted upon anything
    Mason says:
    I mean, lots of people found out about it, so it wasn't exactly private.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Who cares about where it relates to? I can sit here and say f*, look at it this way, I wasnt refering to the forum
    Mason says:
    It's not like you were trying to hide the fact that you were talking about it.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    And SHOULD I have to hide the fact of things I talk about?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Is it a requirement to hide things?
    Mason says:
    If it relates to hacking someone, yeah.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Are we that patheic and paranoid?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I could say I want to hack you now
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I could say I want to kill you
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    But umm
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Dont think its going to happen
    Mason says:
    Difference is, you said you did.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Aye and I said it again
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Going to do something about?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Hack hack hackity hack
    Mason says:
    And you spread it around, knowing the information would get out.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    OH god no, Saril said hack
    Mason says:
    You even admitted wanted to spread it.
    Mason says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yeah, just like this
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Maby someone will one day say
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Hey maby VB3 isn't the worlds most secure system
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows if you type in VB3 or whatever you call it vulnerabilities in Google youll get resutlts
    Mason says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Ah entonces?!!
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I mean come on , knowledge and words are a total DIFFERENT universse to actions
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You have to ban people to satisfy others over this mushindo incident
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    So what you pick skinner and me?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Where are you going to stopat?
    Mason says:
    Mainly just you two.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Mainly just
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Damn that sounds pretty open to me
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    CAn I expect people who helped me go voer information to get nuked too?
    Mason says:
    Well you two are the only people I've heard anything about.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    And with reason I'm keeping my f*ing mouth closed
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows if you hurt others for speaking
    Mason says:
    That's cool, you can just take their share of the punishment then.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I will
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Kinda gives me the whole revolutionary feeling
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Heh, figures it would come from some higher up i trusted
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Just gives that nice two for one feeling of the 'shaft'
    Mason says:
    Well I trusted you. But sometimes our assumptions are wrong.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You didnt, you played me
    Mason says:
    You learn to deal with it and move on.l
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You sat there, saving every word I said stored away to be used against me
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Little did I know
    Mason says:
    Actually I didn't use anything you've said to me against you.
    Mason says:
    I got all my information from other people.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Such hollow words are given such power when the right people use em
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yes, these people
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    A fan boy here
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    another there
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Sure why not, they're real belivable
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I mean why not, they coincide with your point of view
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Should work, being a mod and all you can lay down the smack down, its not hte first time you've done it either
    Mason says:
    No, I'm an admin. That's what I do.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Same thing you know what I Meant
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Sure at this site there is a line between what mods and S mods and admins can do
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    its all the same
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Lay down the law
    Mason says:
    Yes, exactly.
    Mason says:
    That's why we're there.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Aye, and the fact that I find this decision bulls*
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You move in, you ban the 'bad guyz'
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yeah Mason is a hero
    Mason says:
    You've done nothing to show me otherwise.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Look at them, standing up for our fallen comrade Mushindo
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    How can I if I know the moment I open my mouth you will silence those wou would stand for me?
    Mason says:
    I don't have any reason to ban them unless they've done something wrong themselves.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Yeah like umm
    Mason says:
    By protecting them you're only making them out to seem guilty, regardless of it they are.
    Mason says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Lol again the meanless s*
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You know I cant open my mouth,
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Do you think they want to get drawn into this?
    Mason says:
    You haven't asked them.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows what you will get upto in RP while we're all asleep
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Thats right, I cant ask them
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    What right does it give me to drag theminto a holy war against the administration
    Mason says:
    Mason says:
    You're making this out to be a lot bigger than it is.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Your trying to sweep it under the carpet
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Just make it, oh nothing
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Well it f*ING ISNT NOTHING
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Here if you dont stand up you arent counted
    Mason says:
    It's not nothing, that's why you're banned.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Well I am standing up
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I am f*ing challenging the administration that has banned me
    Mason says:
    Please, stand up, defend yourself. Give me something I can use.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yes, beloved Mason, your so on my side arent you?
    Mason says:
    I'm a neutral party making decisions based upon the information I find.
    Mason says:
    You, so far, have presented me with none.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You know I cant
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You DAMN WELL know I cant and you sit there and taunt me
    Mason says:
    You just said there were people who could come to your defense.
    Mason says:
    That's something.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yeah
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    At their own peril?
    Mason says:
    What peril?
    Mason says:
    Why would I ban them?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Skinner got banned didnt he?
    Mason says:
    Yes he did.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows who else has got nuked
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Lol because they cant talk
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    They're silent
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    As am I
    Mason says:
    Skinner said he wouldn't be surprised if he got banned for what he did.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Yeah Skinner is resigned to the tyranical bulls* of EP
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Well I'm not
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I'm new and I dont feel like bending over everytime the administration wants to put things right in mod-vile
    Mason says:
    Well, I have to go. Feel free to leave a message if you have something to say.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh you damn well I have things to say
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    But no audiance
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I've a good mind to go onto MIRC and blast
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    But they're alll jaded there
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    There they accept your BS too
    Mason says:
    Put together a post and I'll post it in Free For All for you.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    You'll edit it?
    Mason says:
    I have no reason to.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Will you edit it?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Yes or no
    Mason says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    100% no matter what I say?
    Mason says:
    Assuming you're not cursing out the administration or something.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Ah well the f* off
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Because you know everyone is going to be getting it
    Mason says:
    In which case I simply won't post it at all.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Ah well , case closd
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Shall we file it under
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Or "Shafting"
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh wait I got a better one
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    How about "Fan boys"
    Mason says:
    Fair enough. If you werne't banned and posted that kind of thing it'd get you banned anyhow.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Hows THAT ?
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    Oh yeah, PLEASE
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    I love feeling the shaft up my arse
    Mason says:
    If you're not going to be civil in your case then it doesn't matter much.
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:
    God knows it feels good
    Saril - The EP administration are fascists says:

    And so it ends, and I am left with a dry taste in my mouth. I suddenly realise the depth and breath of both Mushindo's influance and just how slanted the boards really are.

    What you dont know, is even in RP the denzines are sitting there, wishing that a moderator, with a likeness of Cyberxion would come down and kill off our useless babbel and the fact that we too have opinions.

    This really does go on.

    Another thing that bothered me and the people who are interested in what I have to say is this.

    Post # 17

    From this thread

    According to my friend who is an expert on cancers, ( yes this fact did come up in MSN ) the chances of survival are slim and indeed there would be some incredible physical ramifications. Now I'm not saying this about Mushindo or that about Mushindo.
    They had me killed off, that is enough information for me to know where the administration and I stand.

    I dont like the way the ban was handed out, I'm not happy with the double standards and I sure as hell arent happy with the way RP or Mushindo seems to handle the universe.

    You mightn't care about this post, you might read the first 3 lines and yawn off, well fine, go flame, go make anothe poll, we'll see how long you can keep doing that.

    In the meantime I'ma stay banned, but I want to known what really happened here, and that anyone who dares question will probably get the same.

    So here it is post, respond, flame. I dont expect support, I dont want it even, god knows if you do you might end up banned also.

    I'd like to thank Miles for standing up and beliveing in me, I'd like to thank a few other people too, but as we agreed, perhaps its best for friends to stay anomous

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miles
    In the meantime I'ma stay banned, Saril

  4. #4
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    WTF is with this thread? What are you trying to prove?

  5. #5
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    This ranks up there with TT, Madraptor, and GameCop as stupid things members have done to get banned for life.

    You might have stood a cance if you had not posted this thread.

    Also could we get an admin to edit his post and make him look like a retard.. that's always fun.
    Last edited by GundamGuy; 27th-August-2004 at 04:16.

  6. #6
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    Hmm...why does this happen. Why can't we all fucking get along...

    I'm am really sick of society, and all its bullshit. If someone has a problem, let it be, thats wat I say. You can't change how someone feels...

  7. #7
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    What is this thread about again?


  8. #8
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    The Internet is SERIOUS business.

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    Hahahaha thats funny. "If anyone puts up a defense, they will be banned!" Hahahahahahaha, does Miles look banned to you!? NOPE. Hahaha. You could have saved yourself, Saril.

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    ...this is all because you think she's a dude.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Do you really care?! I sure as hell don't. Heck I'm going to pretend to be a woman from now on, in fact, how do you know I'm not a woman just trying to fit in? Seeing as 99% of the members here are male, it would seem more likely people are pretnding to be men.
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

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    Quote Originally Posted by ragnar14
    ...this is all because you think she's a dude.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Do you really care?! I sure as hell don't. Heck I'm going to pretend to be a woman from now on, in fact, how do you know I'm not a woman just trying to fit in? Seeing as 99% of the members here are male, it would seem more likely people are pretnding to be men.
    *nods* Why <i>would</i> anyone care?

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    Quote Originally Posted by W2.0
    *nods* Why <i>would</i> anyone care?
    Why would anyone lie about something so stupid?

    Anyway, this is all bullshit. I think that the actions taken by all are far too overblown. If Mushindo wasn't lying, why make such a big deal about it? And wether or not she is, prying into her personal information to find out isn't a great idea.
    In the end, it doesn't matter. Sure, I too had my doubts, but I stopped giving a shit about thirty seconds after I got them. And it shouldn't matter to her what anyone thinks either way.
    She didn't need to take off, and I hope she comes to realize that sooner then later.

    As for this thread, I think it'd be a great idea if a mod or admin stepped in and closed it before it gets out of hand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Neighbour
    Hmm...why does this happen. Why can't we all fucking get along...
    i agree wit Rangar and winged on this one shit yall can call me jane for all i care i think and this is my views here skinner was pissed at something and got his fan boys to do something bout it as i said to skinner why would Mush lie? all your thread proves that there is a bunch of skinner groupies out there well you know what there is a anti group out there to and i really think you know whos in that group.
    so people can we please move on now Mush said she will be comin back in like 2 weeks i really dont wanna hear anymore Mush bashin.

    This has been another public service announcement

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    The EP administration are Fascists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Watcher

    so people can we please move on now Mush said she will be comin back in like 2 weeks i really dont wanna hear anymore Mush bashin.

    This has been another public service announcement
    It's alright to bash Skinner and Saril though? Dude, they had reasonable doubts, though they should've gone about handling them differently. They don't need to be mistreated by you people just because you may happen to have an affinity for Mushindo.

    That said, I agree in the end that it doesn't matter who or what Mushindo is, and I think we should drop this discussion entirely. The bashing needs to stop on both ends of this issue....

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