Quote Originally Posted by Grouch View Post
spent most of saturday looking for mods for no mans sky. I found a couple that I thought I'd try I got one of the most recommended managers and tried installing the mods. the manager never worked right I couldn't get either mod i tried to install to install properly
so I gave up tried again on sunday and ended up getting another mod manager I it worked I tried one of the mods I grabbed first. it was a performance mod(that I had hoped would fix the problems I've been having with the game lately) the mod didn't do shit it claimed it did a bunch of stuff but I only seen like 3 things change and didn't see any performance increase.
so I tried another mod it didn't do what it claimed either so I tried one last mod this one caused the game to crash so I had to remove it. I went back to the first mod and did see some minor fps boost for very brief periods of time but it may have also been due to me reducing the internal resolution slider.
overall the game has become completely unplayable up wards of 7min initial load times it took 5-6 min for my settlement overseer building terminal to load. I really couldn't figure out what the hell happened the game ran perfectly fine for me for dozens of hours then it just started running shittier and shittier
I really like the game but reluctantly uninstalled it. I have skyrim installed and decided to try it out just my luck the game keeps crashing to desktop every time I try to start a new game. talk about a double whammy
Reinstalling No Man's Sky might fix the issue, H. P. Lovecraft is telling me to tell everyone to never give up hope for a darker future.