Got in that shoopin' mood again.
Spoiler warning:
Spoiler warning:
just some simple pics I took and wanted to see what others think.
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me
Me and my friend were sitting in 2-D Visual Arts, he wanted to do the Reach Background for his project. But it couldn't have words. I took out the words. Great duo eh?
Spoiler warning:
these are some photos I took yesterday when I went out for a ride.
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me
Yeah, I gotta agree with Andy there. Not to mention that WA5 = <3. Sure, it's the only WA game I've played in the series, but still.
Also, if you happen to have the original/full-sized artwork used in this, be a dear and send it to me. Cheers.
Im a Regular now when it comes to Signatures and stuff like that, and here are a select few people rated highest on another forum im on. Thought id share
This was for a PNG (Transparent background and such) Sig Contest for Sig of The Week -
This was for a Black and White Theme SOTW -
Another Pop-out SOTW Theme
Random One I had for Awhile, one of my first made -
Pokemon Theme SOTW -
Creative Lettering Theme SOTW (Fullmetal Alchemist Lettering) -
I also do some userbar thingies too
Userbar for my Asus
A couple for some favourite anime -
Real Madrid <3
My baby <3
Dont wanna get in trouble or something, so ill post just that Hope you like them :3
Mario and Ichigo sigs are the best, although something looks off with your transparent sigs. Charzard looks stretched out, Cloud render is weak and the BRS sig seems a bit off with the aura. Also, the rocks don't look free flowing, it's easy to see where the border was. It's a great concept, but those litttle imperfections add up. You have a lot of talent, but a lot of your stuff has some strange imperfections that distract. Work on stuff like that in the future. Also, try using brush effects to hide certain render issues. The gunk around Ichigo's sword is easy to see on the black background.
Aha Thats exactly the same thing others have said in my other forum Well those are old, 4 or 5 months back since I havent done much of this since then, vacation and school have been in the way. Consider it a work in progress still
Thanks for the info though, really helps when it comes to making things better