Sorry if this is not the correct place to post this or if I didn't search the forums well enough, but I have downloaded Ring World Revenge of the Patriarch from the DOS games section and it had no setup program like others have (which ran perfectly in DOSBox), such as Monkey Island or Simon the Sorcerer. It comes with a td0 file called RNDTD.td0, and disk installation files, ring.#02, ring.#03, etc, thru .#07 (no ring.#01, only the cracked ring.exe).

The package also contains teledisk, an app that decompresses td0 files, according to what I have read, and starazor.exe which is a small presentation of the credits for this game backup.

The nfo files included tell us that there is no other way to extract the td0 file than using floppy 1.44 3 1/2 disks with teledisk and also use other six disks for the rest of the installation parts.

DOSBox runs teledisk normally but sends errors whenever trying to access "floppy drives" which I thought could be emulated too by just mounting a directory containing the files as a:\..

So, and I'm sorry if it's a dumb question. Is there no chance to install this game using DOSBox? Do I have to get a usb floppy drive and declare it as a:\ in the main system? Do usb floppy drives are even recognized by teledisk?

Thank you for the great site.