I believe what first got me started in gaming was when I was just a wee toddler. My dad and mom had a SNES and Super Mario. After that I believe mom got me the SEGA one? I can't remember which one exactly but it had that Lion King game on it that was IMPOSSIBLE for either of us to get past several stages of! Hahah! And then, after that dad got my sister and I an N64! Omg spent soo many hours on that thing! My favorites had to be Donkey Kong 64, Bomberman Hero I think it was, the one with the cat lady with the whip lol, Super Smash Bros., Diddy Kong Racing, and one time I played Quest64 at my cousins which I never got to play anymore until I turned 30 a couple years and emulated it on my N3DSXL hahah! That game was so fun even tho it was an unfinished mess! Aaaanyways after that we got a GameCube, and then an Xbox360, then my sister and I got our own consoles after that, we both had the XboxOne, but after a while I switched to the PS4 when it came out and haven't looked back since. But I think what REALLY got me into gaming was making so many friends on Xbox Live because the kids at my school were absolute jerks lol. Of course MMORPG's on our shared computer was always a good time whenever it was my sister's turn to play whatever console we had at the time. Hahaha! *sigh* Those were the days. <3